- SAKURA55-60 days. A very reliable and forgiving cherry that’s also early and tasty! Sakura’s vigorous, disease-resistant, indeterminate plants produce long trusses of uniform, 1 ½ inch fruit. These ...
- GILL'S ALL-PURPOSE80 days. We’re pleased to continue to offer this piece of Northwest history. A cross between Wasatch Beauty and Pepper tomato, Gill’s All Purpose was bred in 1947 by the Gill Brothers Seed Company ...
- HILLBILLY85 days. Undeniably delicious, these enormous, 1–2 pound fruit have gorgeous golden-orange, red streaked flesh and skin. Indeterminate plants produce sweet, juicy beefsteak type tomatoes that are ...
- LONGKEEPER70 days. This storage tomato will keep up to 3 months! Gather the mature green or partially ripe fruit before the first frost. Place the tomatoes in a carryout nursery flat, or position on ...
- TASTI-LEE®75 days. Tasti-Lee® holds the triple crown in great flavor, heightened nutrition, and extended shelf life. The culmination of years of exhaustive conventional breeding, these magnificent tomatoes ...
- BURBANK SLICING75 days. Developed by Luther Burbank around 1915. Determinate and fairly early, Burbank Slicing is a heavy yielder of majestic 3–4 inch fruit. The fruit has a very deep red color and a traditional ...
- CHERRY BUZZ55 days. One of the earliest tomatoes to ripen at our trial grounds, it not only produces loads of tasty, bite-sized treats before the tomato season truly kicks in, it also continues to pump them ...
- COSMONAUT VOLKOV72 days. Cosmonaut Volkov set our taste buds flying high with its rich, deep, balanced, sweet and tangy flavor. Indeterminate plants set generously sized, 2–3 inch, slightly squat, deep orange/red ...
- ITALIAN HEIRLOOM75 days. Short-season gardeners, this one’s for you! With the looks and taste of a quintessential cherished heirloom tomato, these deeply pleated, maroon fruit have outstanding flavor and great ...
- DAMSEL75 days. Big, pink, globe-shaped fruit absolutely burst with juicy flavor that’s an intricate blend of sweet and acidic. Add to that a strong disease package that includes high resistance to late ...
- MOUNTAIN MERIT75 days. This multi-purpose slicing tomato earned an AAS award for its unsurpassed disease resistance, good flavor and production. Deep red beefsteaks average 3-3 ½ inches across with firm flesh. ...
- BLACK85 days. A Russian heirloom that is one of the sweetest tomatoes we have evaluated in its size class. The opalescent rose fruit have darkened shoulders, are 3–4 inches wide, thin skinned, and ...
- POZZANO72 days. Pozzano produces remarkably uniform, firm, orange/red fruit in clusters of 4–5. Reaching about 4 ½ inches long and 1½ inches across, they’re moist and meaty and cook down quickly for old ...
- MARSALATO75 days. When it comes to the eye appeal of a tomato, Marsalato steals the show. These deeply pleated, squat fruit reach 2 inches tall and 3 inches wide with glossy red, firm skin and solid, meaty ...
- BARTELLY50 days. Bartelly produces intricate trusses that look like woven blankets of elongated, scarlet fruit. We counted one truss with 64 tomatoes on it, each measuring 1 ¾ inches long and 1 inch wide. ...
Showing 127 results for "organic tomato"