Family Owned Since 1979
Cultivating Gardeners



Product Description:

Cucurbita pepo 85-95 days. Tender, sweet and delicious, Thelma Sanders’ cooks up to a buttery-soft texture and unmatchable flavor. Highly productive plants produce light beige deeply ridged acorn squash measuring 7 ½–8 inches with thick, orange-gold flesh. An heirloom originating from Missouri, this truly exceptional squash also stores very well.
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Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Resilient, excellent taste and super productive

Zone 8b, both in the very wet Multnomah County and the much hotter and drier Jackson county in Oregon. This is the most productive and reliable winter squash I've grown. I keep trying to branch out, but I've been growing this for years, and it's the one I'm always eating until the next Spring! I'm happy to say it was just as productive since I moved back to Southern Oregon where it's much hotter and drier. I winter sowed my seeds, and just dumped a whole bag of fertilizer in an empty space on to of my clay soil, transplanted, and covered the soil with wood chips to hold moisture. They went in early since I winter sowed, and survived a couple frosts uncovered with no issues. These were pretty neglected, only watered very occasionally if they started to look wilty, and I got a whole big box of squash from a relatively small, otherwise unused area. As long as you use plenty of compost at the start, these thrive on neglect. Most of mine come out the perfect size to yield 2 cups squash puree for a pie, too, which is handy. The only bad thing I could say about these is they're not very pretty, just a plain, cream colored acorn squash.

High marks for taste, production, storage

Western Washington, Zone 8b. This vigorous squash outproduced all other squash varieties planted this year. The squash produces a meaty, sweet, and not-at-all watery flavor that rivals the best butternut I have eaten. This squash has earned its place as a staple in my garden.

Unbelievable Taste

These Sweet Potato Squashes performed well in Tucson 9b Climate despite hurdles. Direct sowed (in sunken in-ground bed) these mid July in anticipation for the severe heat to wane (many days well over 100f temps). Used 50% shade cloth till late September. I believe the intense heat played a role in the flowering timing as things were kind of hit and miss pollination wise. Only sowed 2 plants (at same time) and one started setting out only female flowers immediately, and the other took another week or so to set out males, then females later. Many potential fruits were aborted due to no pollen available, then it was a fight against fire ants desperate for moisture and they attacked much of the pollen and flowers. Despite these difficulties it was worth it to get a few squash that were by far the most delicious ive ever tried, so sweet and tender. Enhanced the sweet by baking cut slices with honey and butter. Next time, I will plant way more plants and hopefully increase odds of good pollination. The Squashes are also absolutely beautiful to look at, gorgeous color and appealing size. Mine weighed in at about 2-2.5Lbs per squash

Cheryl H.
Amazing Sweet Potato Squash!

We love the flavor and the storage ability of sweet potato squash. But this year we got an extra surprise. We had a terrible grasshopper year and low production of a lot of vegetables which depend upon blooming and pollination (grasshoppers eat the blossoms and poisons are hard on pollinators). But we had a record crop of sweet potato squash. Maybe grasshoppers don't like the taste of their blossoms? Whatever the reason, those were the squash that produced this year.

Soil Temp for Germ 65–85°F
Seed Depth 1–1 ½"
Seed Spacing 3–4/hill
Days to Emergence 5–10
Thin Plants to 1–2/hill
Row Spacing 3–6'
Fertilizer Needs Medium
Minimum Germination 75%
Seeds per Gram See below
Seed Life 3–4 years

Cucurbita spp. In the diverse family of squash are true nutritional powerhouses, encompassing a wide array of forms, flavors, colorations, and culinary applications. Squash are rich in the carotenoids necessary for vitamin A production and boast a wide complement of amino acids. While starchy, most of the carbohydrates in the fruit come from special polysaccharides, pectins, which have exhibited strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-diabetic, insulin-regulating properties.

Days to maturity are from date of direct seeding.

• Fertile, well-drained soil gives best results
• Squash is a warm season crop, so avoid planting too early; raised beds and plastic mulch help keep roots warm
• Squash are monoecious (bearing separate male and female flowers on the same plant) and require insect pollination
• Poor fruit set is often the result of inadequate pollination; plant bee attractant flowers

Direct Sowing
• Plant after frost danger when soil warms to 65°F
• Work in shovelful of compost and 1/2 cup TSC's Complete fertilizer into hill
• Keep soil evenly moist but not wet as too much moisture causes seed to rot
• Bush varieties: sow 3-4 feet apart
• Vining varieties: sow 4-6 feet apart

• Start indoors 3-4 weeks prior to anticipated transplant date in 4 inch pots
• Work in shovelful of compost and 1/2 cup TSC's Complete fertilizer into hill
• Transplant carefully as to not disturb roots

Insects & Diseases
• Common insects: Spotted and striped cucumber beetles, vine borers and squash bugs
• Insect control: Row covers and/or apply Pyrethrin
• Moschata species are resistant to vine borer
• Common diseases: See chart below; diseases vary by region
• Disease prevention: 3-4 year crop rotation, and fungicide applications

Harvest & Storage
• Summer squash: Harvest regularly when fruits are young to keep plants productive
• Winter squash: Leave on vine until fully mature, rinds should be firm
• When winter squash is mature cut stem leaving 2-4 inches remaining, gently wash in sanitizing solution; 10 parts water to 1 part bleach
• For best results move winter squash to a warm dry area 80-90°F to cure; see each type (below) for curing requirements
• Store winter squash at 50-60°F with 50-75% relative humidity and good air circulation

Curing Requirements
• Acorn: Curing not required; Stores 2-3 months
• Buttercup: Cure 10-14 days; Store 1-2 months for best flavor; Will keep 4-6 months
• Butternut: Cure 10-14 days; Store 1-2 months for best flavor; Will keep 4-6 months
• Delicata: Curing not required; Stores 2-3 months
• Hubbard: Cure 10-14 days; Store 1-2 months for best flavor; Will keep 4-6 months
• Kabocha: Cure 10–14 days; Store 1–2 months for best flavor; Will keep 4–6 months
• Mini-Hubbard: Curing not required; Stores 2-3 months
• Spaghetti: Curing not required; Stores 2-3 months

Approximate seeds per gram
• Acorn, Butternut, & Delicata: 9-16
• Buttercup & Hubbard: 3-7
• Green, Gray Summer: 7–9
• Kabocha: 5–7
• Patty Pan: 7-10
• Romanesco: 4–5
• Spaghetti: 4-7
• Yellow Summer: 7-15
• Zucchini: 5-8

HR indicates high resistance.
IR indicates intermediate resistance.
CMV | Cucumber Mosaic Virus
PM | Powdery Mildew
PRV | Papaya Ringspot Virus
SLCV | Squash Leaf Curl Virus
WMV* | Watermelon Mosaic Virus
ZYMV | Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus
* Numbers indicate specific disease race.

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