Family Owned Since 1979
Cultivating Gardeners



Product Description:

80 days. Tigger intrigued us with its unique golden and rusty to red, tiger-like striping. Each fragrant melon weighs about 1 pound and opens to reveal white flesh for a perfect single serving. Rich melon flavor without being overly sweet. Large, sprawling plants produce a heavy yield of the slightly oblong, baseball-sized fruit.
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  • Key Features:

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Fun small melon

This melon was sure a fun addition to my raised bed garden. It was slow grow and to ripen but the melon released from the vine easily when it was ready. Not a very strong tasting melon, but still good. The white flesh was fun to add to a plate of fruit. It also made a great gifting melon because it was small and so different!

Stephen H.
No flavor

We have raised beds with added compost and composted chicken manure with drip water system on timers.. We grow other melons (lambkin, honeydew and cantaloupe). Added tiger melons this year. Germinated well, nice vines, flowered and set fruit. Harvested when they slipped easily. We've cut open about 8-10 trying to find on with flavor. The flesh was thinner than we've seen on the internet. No success finding any melon flavor. Thus I thought it wise to enter a review. We'll compost the remaining.

Glad to hear it grew well, but sorry to hear you didn't love the flavor. It does typically have a great melon flavor, but it's not an overly sweet melon like others you may be used to. At Territorial, we stand behind our products with a full guarantee. We are committed to your satisfaction and want you to feel confident in your purchase. If anything you buy from Territorial falls short of your expectations, we will make it right by replacing the item (if available) or providing a refund, whichever you prefer (for up to one year from purchase). Feel free to contact our dedicated customer service at 800-626-0866 team (Monday-Friday 8AM-5PM Pacific Time) or and we will gladly assist you.

Cheryl A.T.
First time I've successfully raised Melon

I have tried various melons over the years. This was my first success. I start inside under lights in late March. Put outside around late May. First melon picked yesterday (mid-August).

The smell and look is marvelous; very strong melon taste but not very sweet. I will let next one ripen a bit more next time. There are loads on the vines.

I will add we've had an unusually hot year.

Makes great chicken fodder.

I bought these at the same time I bought the Kajari melon, as they both looked so similar. But the Tigger melon wasn't very flavorful at all. And what was worse was if I left them on the vine for even a day after they looked ripe, they would burst open or maybe it was more like start quick decomposition on the vine. I was very disappointed, but my chickens weren't. They loved the seeds and the flesh, so would check the vine that escaped the garden for treats everyday. I now grow these as a chicken fodder crop that I don't have to mess with other than to make sure that the vine stays watered and that the chickens don't scratch up the roots. Everything can be useful if you're willing to look at it in a new way.

Soil Temp for Germ 70–85°F
Seed Depth ½"
Days to Emergence 3–10
Soil Temp for Transp 60°F
Plant Spacing 3–4'
Row Spacing 5–6'
Fertilizer Needs High
Minimum Germination 80%
Seeds per Gram ≈ 20–40
Seed Life 3 years

Melons: Cucumis melo
Watermelons: Citrullus lanatus

The sweet succulence of summer-ripe melons is irresistibly tempting, but the health benefits of these luscious fruits shouldn't be overlooked. Look to red-fleshed melons to fortify the heart and urinary tract. Yellow and orange flesh types provide support to the immune system, heart and vision. Green-fleshed varieties promote strong bones and teeth as well as vision health. We've selected varieties that are successful in both southern and northern gardens.

Days to maturity are calculated from transplant date.

• Melons and watermelons perform best in fertile, well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0
• Apply 1/2 cup of TSC's Complete fertilizer and a shovelful of compost to each plant
• Watermelons are less tolerant of cool conditions than melons — the use of plastic mulch or floating row cover is highly recommended
• Monitor the temperature under the row covers on hot days, especially early in the season
• Remove covers prior to flowering for pollination

Direct Sowing
• Soil temperature is critical for good germination and only recommended in warmer climates

• Start indoors in 4 inch pots, 3-4 weeks before anticipated transplant date
• Grow the seedlings under dry, warm conditions
• Avoid letting starts get root bound; transplant carefully as to not disturb roots
• Fertilize seedlings with a balanced liquid fertilizer, such as Age Old Grow

Insects & Diseases
• Common insects: Cucumber beetles
• Insect control: Pyrethrin and row covers
• Common diseases: Bacterial wilt and powdery mildew
• Disease control: Zonix
• Disease prevention: 3-4 year crop rotation, avoid overhead watering

Harvest & Storage
• Cantaloupe will easily slip from vine when ripe
• With other melons, check the leaf where fruit is attached to the vine — fruit is mature when this leaf begins to yellow
• Watermelons are ready for harvest when the tendril closest to the fruit is dry and brown or when the bottom side of the fruit is yellow
• Melons and watermelons will not ripen off vine
• Pick in the cool of the day and chill quickly
• Melons: store at 40°F and 95% relative humidity
• Watermelons: store at 50-60°F and 85% relative humidity

A | Anthracnose
AB | Early (Alternaria) Blight
F* | Fusarium Wilt
MNSV | Melon Necrotic Spot Virus
PM* | Powdery Mildew
PRV | Papaya Ringspot Virus
WMV | Watermelon Mosaic Virus
ZYMV | Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus
*Numbers indicate specific disease race.

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