Family Owned Since 1979
Cultivating Gardeners



Product Description:

80-90 days. In our trials, Georgia Jet has been the earliest to mature. Beautiful emerald green vines, dusky rose skin, and deep orange flesh that is meaty and sweet.

Slips are shipped Priority Mail directly from the growing fields, between mid-April and early June. Available only within the contiguous US. Sorry, not available to CA.




Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews
Diana R.
My 2024 Georgia Jet Slips - not so great

Last years order of Georgia Jet slips developed beautifully. This year I ordered the same product and only 4 survived planting. So I ordered another dozen, thinking I must have goofed, but of those only 6 survived. Of the 10 plants ... they're growing but not as vigorously as the year before.

So sorry to hear that! Feel free to reach out so we can help troubleshoot! Our products are also backed by our full guarantee. We want you, our customers, to be 100% satisfied with the seed, plants and supplies that you purchase from us. If anything you buy from Territorial proves to be unsatisfactory, we will either replace the item (if available) or refund the purchase price, whichever you prefer (for up to 1 year from purchase). Contact our customer service (Monday-Friday 8AM-5PM Pacific Time) at either 800-626-0866 or

Judy F.
Georgia Jet Sweet Potatoes

I gave half of the slips to a friend for her garden. Although I have good soil (the other crops are doing fine), every one of the sweet potatoes shriveled up in a couple days. My friend has 1 plant growing. I’m very disappointed, afraid to try again.

So sorry to hear that! Feel free to reach out so we can help troubleshoot! Our products are also backed by our full guarantee. We want you, our customers, to be 100% satisfied with the seed, plants and supplies that you purchase from us. If anything you buy from Territorial proves to be unsatisfactory, we will either replace the item (if available) or refund the purchase price, whichever you prefer (for up to 1 year from purchase). Contact our customer service (Monday-Friday 8AM-5PM Pacific Time) at either 800-626-0866 or

Chet H.
Georgia sweet potatoes

This year the start came out in a lot better shape I lost half of them the first week we did have some odd weather, so that is no fault of your guises in my opinion

Ross H.

They are growing well.

Soil Temp for Transp 65°F
Plant Spacing 16-18"
Row Spacing 12-24"
Fertilizer Needs Medium

Ipomoea batatas Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin A. Although sweet potatoes and yams look alike, the yam is from a subtropical shrub that is native to Africa, while the sweet potato is from the American morning glory family.

Days to maturity are calculated from date of planting.

• Sweet potatoes should be planted in the garden when the weather has stabilized in late spring and nighttime temperatures are above 60°F
• The use of low tunnels or cold frames is highly recommended in cooler climates and northern states with shorter seasons
• Rototill or fork in a 2 inch thick layer of compost and bone meal
• Create 6-8 inch high raised beds
• Soil should be adequately draining; water thoroughly every 7-10 days
• Sweet potatoes require up to 1 inch of water per week throughout the season

• Plant slips deeply into raised beds, up to top leaves
• Live plants should be planted even with the soil
• Keep evenly moist until you see new growth
• If the soil temperature is less than 65°F, plant slips in 3-4 inch pots and keep them in a warm location until you can plant outside

Insects & Diseases
• Common insects: Usually pest free
• Common diseases: Scurf
• Disease prevention: Remove all plant debris after harvest and practice good crop rotation

Harvest & Storage
• Harvest prior to first frost after the weather cools in the fall
• To cure, brush off the soil and place the sweet potatoes in a warm, dry area (80-85°F and 80-90% relative humidity) for 7-14 days
• After curing, handle carefully and store them at 50-60°F

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