Family Owned Since 1979
Cultivating Gardeners



Product Description:

Chenopodium quinoa 90-120 days. The gluten-free, low-glycemic seeds provide a unique, plant-based complete protein source and are especially high in the essential amino acid l-lysine. For greens, sow 1 inch apart and harvest entire plant at 6–8 inches tall. For grain production and enjoying selected leaves throughout the season, plant 12–14 inches apart. Temperatures above 90°F may inhibit seed formation, but anyone can grow it for nutritious leaves and outstanding ornamental quality. Blooms in late summer to autumn. Selected for its vivid display of colorful seed heads, this blend offers a practical and striking addition to ornamental beds, adding dazzling shades of fuchsia, burgundy, lime green, cream, orange, and yellow. Shorter-statured plants typically reach 4–7 feet at maturity. Approximately 350 seeds per ½ gram.
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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Jesse F.
Beautiful bird seed!

These seeded well and produced beautiful blooms, which brightened our garden and gave great color. As the plant matured, birds swooped in and ate most of the crop. I netted and was able to save some of the harvest.

It was wonderful as an ornamental, but as a food crop prepare for wild birds to eat it or defend against them.

Soil Temp for Germ 45–75°F
Days to Emergence 5-15

• Grains require modest levels of nutrition to produce good quality proteins
• Excessive soil fertility will cause lower protein levels and may lead to lodging (heavy heads falling over)
• Winter varieties require cold temperatures in order to produce seed heads (vernalize) in spring; they should be planted in the fall

Direct Sowing
• Plant mid-September through mid-October
• For the smaller-scale grower, broadcast the seed over the surface of the soil and rake in to ensure good soil contact
• Recommended seeding rate: 3 1/2 lbs per 1000 square feet
• Seed can also be drilled at 2 1/2 lbs per 1000 square feet—plant 1-2 inches deep
• Mulch with clean straw or leaves to 4 inches

Insects & Diseases
• Common insects: aphids, thrips
• Insect control: Pyrethrin
• Common diseases: stripe rust, stem rust, powdery mildew
• Disease prevention: plant disease resistant varieties, for powdery mildew use Zonix

Harvest & Storage
• Both winter and spring varieties of grains are generally ready for harvest in August
• Timing the harvest to ensure optimal moisture level reduces loss to shatter or grain resprouting—seed heads should be dry and resist denting by fingernail (ideal moisture content is 13% or less)
• Small-scale wheat growers can use a hand sickle to harvest—tie into bundles, called "shocks," and stack upright in the field to dry before threshing
• “Hulless” varieties can easily be cleaned by hand-threshing and winnowing; other varieties may require flailing or mechanical threshing
• Store in airtight containers in a cool, dry location

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