- OATSAvena sativa This valuable cover crop has many uses. Oats’ fast spring growth makes it ideal for erosion control and adds quick organic matter to the soil. As a fast germinating nurse crop, it ...
- LONDON SPRING'S OG EASY PEAS & OAT BLENDPisum sativum and Avena sativa Our go-to overwintering cover crop at London Spring Farms, this blend improves the soil and saves time with its quick break-down, allowing for earlier planting than ...
- TSC'S SPRING MIXThis blend has the same combination of weed and erosion control as our Fall Mix while also supplementing the soil with lots of organic matter and nitrogen. This mix of 60% Austrian Field Peas, 25% ...
- SUCCOTASHAvena sativa, Hordeum vulgare L, Triticum sp. This mix of oats, barley, and spring wheat produces a high-protein grain blend, rich nutritious feed for livestock, along with excellent quality ...
- HONEYBOATCucurbita pepo 100 days. We’ve definitely got a soft spot for Delicatas, and Honeyboat is a shoe-in for a new-found favorite. This deliciously sweet version sports an unusual, tanned skin with the ...
- CANOE70 days. Canoe packs more peas per pod than any other variety we’ve seen. Approximately a dozen delightfully sweet peas snuggle in each long, slightly curved, boat-shaped pod. The semi-leafless ...
- GREEN 1855 days. Dark green fruit with clear, unmarred skin even after a season of heavy pest stress. Green 18 is an 8 inch, disease-resistant slicer that performs all season. In our trials, the strong, ...
- ORGANIC SUMMERMAX BLENDFagopyrum esculentum, Glycine max, Sorghum x drummondii, Avena sativa, Vigna unguiculata subsp. unguiculata A fast-growing, warm weather cover crop for soil improvement, weed suppression or ...
- LOOPYTUNIA MIXPetunia hybrida Chances are you have never seen a petunia this fancy! Super fluffy, ruffled and curly single blooms in a vibrant mix of colors with contrasting throats. These huge, 3-4 inch wide ...
- HEAVENLY BLUEIpomoea tricolor We give this one two thumbs up for its must-see-to-believe flower color. A photo cannot do justice to the beauty of Heavenly Blue. A showy climber with 4–5 inch sky blue flowers ...
- CAMELOT CREAMDigitalis purpurea Cottage garden classic with first year blooms. The first F1 hybrid foxglove to hit the market, Camelot Cream features sturdy, 3–4 foot tall stalks of ivory blooms and freckled ...
- CAMELOT LAVENDERDigitalis purpurea Cottage garden classic with first year blooms. The first F1 hybrid foxglove to hit the market, Camelot Lavender features sturdy, 3–4 foot tall stalks of pale-purple blooms and ...
- CAMELOT ROSEDigitalis purpurea Cottage garden classic with first year blooms. The first F1 hybrid foxglove to hit the market, Camelot Rose features sturdy, 3–4 foot tall stalks of magenta blooms and freckled ...
- CAMELOT WHITEDigitalis purpurea Cottage garden classic with first year blooms. The first F1 hybrid foxglove to hit the market, Camelot White features sturdy, 3–4 foot tall stalks of snowy-white blooms and ...
- KOZY-COAT3 pack. Truly effective plant protection! Made of durable red plastic. Place one Kozy-Coat around each of your tomato plants, then fill tubes with water and experience the difference! Water stores ...
Showing 27 results for "oat seed"