Family Owned Since 1979
Cultivating Gardeners



Product Description:

Tea for all! This full-size, caffeinated tea plant boasts big, slightly serrated, dark green, glossy, 3–5 inch leaves for continual harvests of fresh foliage to brew into delicious teas. A handsome evergreen shrub, Large Leaf Tea will slowly grow up to 10–12 feet tall in the ground but can be easily maintained to be a smaller plant when kept in a container. Hardy in zones 7–11. Full cultivation, harvest and various tea preparation methods included with each order.    

Tea plants ship late April to early May in 3 ½ inch pots. Order early for best availability. Detailed planting information and growing instructions are included with each order and may be obtained below. Available only in the contiguous US. Not available to SC, TN, TX, WI.
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Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews

I was so excited at the prospect of growing my own tea. Nothing I did convinced this little plant to thrive. It was my biggest garden disappointment last year. Upon reading these other reviews, I feel better knowing I was not alone in my experience. I read all the included materials and felt optimistic about having a flourishing plant. Alas, it was not meant to be.

So sorry to hear that! As always, our products are backed by our full guarantee. We want you, our customers, to be 100% satisfied with the seed, plants and supplies that you purchase from us. If anything you buy from Territorial proves to be unsatisfactory, we will either replace the item (if available) or refund the purchase price, whichever you prefer (for up to 1 year from purchase). You can also reach out to us for any troubleshooting! Contact our customer service (Monday-Friday 8AM-5PM Pacific Time) at either 800-626-0866 or

Eric O.
Awesome so far

So far so good. Still really small but hoping it gets big!

sheila e.
extremely disappointed in purchase of tea leaf plants

I was getting ready to send an email toTerritorial Seeds to express my disappointment in the 2 tea leaf plants I ordered.
They arrived with very brown, looked like 'burnt' leaves, one was worse than the other. When I went to plant them it looked as if they had been plopped into soil with very little roots. I planted both according instructions, gave them my best organic fertilizer from MIGardener and one is close to dead, the other has not grown and has four green leaves on it. They were a splurge, very expensive but I have alwasy wanted to grow my own tea leaves. I would never buy any live plants from Territorial again with this kind of experience. Sheila Eckel

So sorry to hear that! As always, our products are backed by our full guarantee. We want you, our customers, to be 100% satisfied with the seed, plants and supplies that you purchase from us. If anything you buy from Territorial proves to be unsatisfactory, we will either replace the item (if available) or refund the purchase price, whichever you prefer (for up to 1 year from purchase). You can also reach out to us for any troubleshooting! Contact our customer service (Monday-Friday 8AM-5PM Pacific Time) at either 800-626-0866 or

Georgayne A.
Poor teeny baby

It arrived with two leaves, tiny ones. Made the mistake of taking out of packing materials and potting up. Noticed that it was a rooted cutting with not a bad root ball but very fine. Both leaves have fallen off but two tiny, teeny ones may have appeared. I think it will not or hasn’t survived.

So sorry to hear that! As always, our products are backed by our full guarantee. We want you, our customers, to be 100% satisfied with the seed, plants and supplies that you purchase from us. If anything you buy from Territorial proves to be unsatisfactory, we will either replace the item (if available) or refund the purchase price, whichever you prefer (for up to 1 year from purchase). You can also reach out to us for any troubleshooting! Contact our customer service (Monday-Friday 8AM-5PM Pacific Time) at either 800-626-0866 or

Plant Spacing 10-12'
Plant height 10-12'
Hardiness Zone 7-11
Bearing Age 1 year
Ripening Time Year-round
Pollinator Required No

Camellia sinensis

Initial Instructions
After unpacking, allow the plant a few days to gradually acclimate to full exposure. If you are keeping your Tea Plant in a container, re-pot it into any desired pot. If planting in the ground, select a location with well-drained soil, spacing the plants 5-8 feet apart. Tea will prefer a semi protected place of harsh winds or cold.

Water regularly during the first growing season, but do not allow the soil to become soggy. Fertilize lightly early in the season with a well-balanced fertilizer. Prune as needed to maintain shape and train the plant as desired. For plants in the ground, mulch well in autumn to protect the roots, favor a semi protected area avoiding late day sun. A natural understory tree, tea can tolerate shade and will scorch in too much direct heat when young. In areas colder than zone 7a, bring plants indoors to a bright window or into a greenhouse during the winter months.

Pests & Diseases
Tea plants are generally not bothered by pests or diseases.

Soil Type
Standard potting soil in containers or well-drained soil in the ground. Tea plants prefer acidic soil, pH range of 4.5 to 6 pH is optimal.

Light Requirements
Morning sun to part shade.

Zone 7 (10ºF).

Bloom Time
Late spring to early summer - possibly a second bloom in the fall.

Pick tender, young shoots with 2-3 leaves.
Tea Preparations:
● Green Tea is made from steamed and dried leaves. Allow surface water on the leaves and shoots to dry in the shade for up to a few hours. Steam the leaves in a vegetable steamer for less than one minute, or roast in a hot cast iron skillet for a few minutes. This process is called "sha qing" (killing out) in Chinese; the oxidizing enzymes are killed by the heat. Dry the leaves in an oven set at 250ºF for 20 minutes. This step stops fermentation and removes any moisture in the leaf, so it won't mold. Your green tea is now ready to enjoy!
● Oolong Tea is made from partially fermented leaves. Spread a thin layer of freshly picked leaves in the sun until they wilt (30 minutes to one hour depending on temperature). Bring them indoors and allow them to wither at room temperature, gently agitating them every hour by hand. This process causes the edge of the leaf to turn red and the moisture content to drop about 20%. These processes cause biochemical and enzymatic reactions, which in turn produce the unique aroma and colors found in Oolong teas. Dry the leaves in an oven set at 250ºF for 15-20 minutes. This stops the enzymatic process. Enjoy your Oolong Tea!
● Black Tea is made from leaves that have been fermented then dried. Allow freshly picked leaves to dry on racks for 10-20 hours, bringing down the internal moisture of the leaf to between 60% and 70% of the original moisture. This step makes the leaf more pliable for the next step. Bruise the leaves by rolling in your hands or crushing them until they are darkened and crinkled, allowing the fermentation process to begin. Continue until the leaves turn a bright, copper penny color. Allow the leaves to ferment by placing them in thin layers on a tray in a shady location. After 2-3 days dry the leaves in an oven set at 250ºF for 20 minutes. This step removes all the water in the leaves and stops the fermentation process. It also seals in the flavor. Store tea in an airtight container.

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