Family Owned Since 1979
Cultivating Gardeners



Product Description:

75 days. This proven cantaloupe is a best seller and a favorite among gardeners and growers across the US. Athena consistently delivers early yields with dynamite flavor. The 6 by 8 inch fruit weigh 5–6 pounds, are coarsely netted and have a scrumptious, bright orange flesh. Athena’s superior disease resistance helps keep the vines producing all season long. Pick at full slip for best quality and flavor. Stores exceptionally well, too! F 0–2, PM.
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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Jessica L.

We live 30 minutes inland from the Oregon Coast and these grow fantastic. We started them indoor at the end of April and by the beginning of June they were very healthy plants. We hardened them off before we transplanted them outside; I was surprised how well they did. I'm learning how to harden off plants and out of all the varieties of vegetables we did this past year, Athena did the best.

Also, we were curious if they would do better inside the greenhouse or outside. We average high 80's during the day and high 40's - low 50's at night. Athena didn't do well in the greenhouse but did fantastic outside. We were surpised by that because our thought was 'it's a melon...melons like heat'. I'm guessing it got too hot in the greenhouse which averaged in the low 100's most days. Again, we're learning through trial and error but overall, Athena did very well and they are SO SO good to eat.

Ben K.
Athena is the best variety for cooler northwest Oregon climate

I have grown Athena every year now west of Portland, they are reliable and the best melon for this climate, but you need to get them started indoors and a good size to plant by the 1st of June for best chance of success. In cooler Oregon summers, you will need very sunny locations, and more heat either with coverings in early summer, or green plastic mulch.

Susan H.B.
Grow this cantaloupe and you won't be disappointed.

I have tried to grow many kinds of melons including musk melons, other cantaloupes, and watermelons. This is the only one that I would consider a success in my cool coastal foggy northern CA conditions. And it has been a great success. I have grown it for at least a decade and every year it has produced prolifically medium to large cantaloupes of excellent quality - delicious! And easy to tell when ready to pick (at full slip). Follow the directions, and you won't be disappointed. This is the old fashioned, juice dripping down your chin, succulent sweet cantaloupe you may remember from your youth. My thirty foot row (20 plants) produces more than 60 melons!

Soil Temp for Germ 70–85°F
Seed Depth ½"
Days to Emergence 3–10
Soil Temp for Transp 60°F
Plant Spacing 3–4'
Row Spacing 5–6'
Fertilizer Needs High
Minimum Germination 80%
Seeds per Gram ≈ 20–40
Seed Life 3 years

Melons: Cucumis melo
Watermelons: Citrullus lanatus

The sweet succulence of summer-ripe melons is irresistibly tempting, but the health benefits of these luscious fruits shouldn't be overlooked. Look to red-fleshed melons to fortify the heart and urinary tract. Yellow and orange flesh types provide support to the immune system, heart and vision. Green-fleshed varieties promote strong bones and teeth as well as vision health. We've selected varieties that are successful in both southern and northern gardens.

Days to maturity are calculated from transplant date.

• Melons and watermelons perform best in fertile, well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0
• Apply 1/2 cup of TSC's Complete fertilizer and a shovelful of compost to each plant
• Watermelons are less tolerant of cool conditions than melons — the use of plastic mulch or floating row cover is highly recommended
• Monitor the temperature under the row covers on hot days, especially early in the season
• Remove covers prior to flowering for pollination

Direct Sowing
• Soil temperature is critical for good germination and only recommended in warmer climates

• Start indoors in 4 inch pots, 3-4 weeks before anticipated transplant date
• Grow the seedlings under dry, warm conditions
• Avoid letting starts get root bound; transplant carefully as to not disturb roots
• Fertilize seedlings with a balanced liquid fertilizer, such as Age Old Grow

Insects & Diseases
• Common insects: Cucumber beetles
• Insect control: Pyrethrin and row covers
• Common diseases: Bacterial wilt and powdery mildew
• Disease control: Zonix
• Disease prevention: 3-4 year crop rotation, avoid overhead watering

Harvest & Storage
• Cantaloupe will easily slip from vine when ripe
• With other melons, check the leaf where fruit is attached to the vine — fruit is mature when this leaf begins to yellow
• Watermelons are ready for harvest when the tendril closest to the fruit is dry and brown or when the bottom side of the fruit is yellow
• Melons and watermelons will not ripen off vine
• Pick in the cool of the day and chill quickly
• Melons: store at 40°F and 95% relative humidity
• Watermelons: store at 50-60°F and 85% relative humidity

A | Anthracnose
AB | Early (Alternaria) Blight
F* | Fusarium Wilt
MNSV | Melon Necrotic Spot Virus
PM* | Powdery Mildew
PRV | Papaya Ringspot Virus
WMV | Watermelon Mosaic Virus
ZYMV | Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus
*Numbers indicate specific disease race.

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