Family Owned Since 1979
Cultivating Gardeners



Product Description:

We are proud to offer this exclusive fusion of low-growing, durable ground cover varieties to use in lieu of grass. Our mix contains annual and perennial flowering plants blended with a fine, tufted bunch grass to create a colorful, low-maintenance lawn substitute. None of the varieties will grow taller than 12 inches, so mowing is optional unless you prefer a uniform, tailored appearance. Tolerates light foot traffic. Planting rate: 4 ounces per 1000 square feet; 5–10 pounds per acre. Germination code: (4)

Mow No More Mix Contents
Roman Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis), English Daisy (Bellis perennis), Yellow Daisy (Chrysanthemum multicaule), Creeping Daisy (Chrysanthemum paludosum), Dwarf California Poppy (Eschscholzia caespitosa), Sheep Fescue (Festuca ovina), Sweet Alyssum (Lobularia maritima), Five-Spot (Nemophila maculate), Baby Blue Eyes (Nemophila menziesii), Wild Thyme (Thymus pulegioides), Strawberry Clover (Trifolium fragiferum), Creeping Clover (Trifolium repens), Johnny Jump-Up (Viola cornuta)
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Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Sharon H.
No mow seeds are wonderful

I’m growing the no mow seeds under our mailbox—the native flowers and tufted grass stays at just the right size to be pretty and not take any care. Thank you for this product!

Laurel S.
Cute But Serious Issues

The little flowers in this mix are charming but they have serious issues.

1. Most of the flowers were gobbled up by snails and slugs.
2. The snail-resistant flowers are not drought tolerant so they have to be watered regularly during the dry summer months in Oregon.
3. The seed pods leave an ugly brown mess behind.

My neighborhood of dozens of houses is trying very hard to find an acceptable substitute for the grass in our beauty strips. Would you be willing to work with us?

Debra B.
First year looked great

Second year all there is is clover, chamomile and local weeds and grass. I’m giving it another year to see how it does but I think I might have to remove it all and maybe try a clover lawn instead. It doesn’t look great and my husband is not real happy

Love this mix!

This is a perfect replacement for grass in lower traffic areas. Perfect for our Northern California wine country climate. - Recommend planting in spring through summer, so that all seeds have the opportunity to grow and re-seed before cold sets in.

I love the continual variation of colors as different flower erupt throughout the year. I only wish there were a few gopher deterent seeds mixed into the bunch, but adding those in is an easy fix.

Flower mixes: Broadcast at a rate of 2 grams per 17 square feet or 1 ounce per 250 square feet unless otherwise noted. Mix an ounce of seed with a gallon of sand or fine vermiculite for a more even sowing.

Regional Wildflower mixes: Our custom mix contains approximately 15 varieties of annual and perennial, native and naturalized species for the Pacific Northwest. This blend produces a profusion of color beginning in spring and changing throughout the season.

The color and beauty of a flower garden can lift the spirit and renew the soul, and a bouquet of fresh cut flowers will bring sunshine into your home. Over the years we have conducted extensive flower trials, concentrating on varieties that are easy to grow-many from direct-sowing- have superior color and fragrance, and make a good cut flower. Take a bit of time, relax and enjoy a cup of steaming hot chocolate, and look over our selections. We think you'll find just what you're looking for.

Germination Codes
Given at the end of each description to give you specific information.
(1) Germination occurs between 70-85°F and within 6-15 days. Sow indoors and cover lightly.
(2) Needs a period of pre-chilling. Mix seeds with moistened peat moss and place in plastic bag. Seal and place bag in an area where the temperature is around 60°F for 2-3 days. Then place in the refrigerator for 30-90 days. After pre-chilling, place seed on sterile seedling mix and cover lightly. Germination may take up to 30 days.
(3) Needs darkness to germinate. Remove cover as soon as germination occurs.
(4) Direct sow in the garden as soon as the soil warms to at least 55°F.
(5) Germination may be slow and erratic. A fluctuating temperature of 75°F during the day and 50°F at night may help.
(6) Needs at least 12 hours of light per day to germinate. Press into the medium but do not cover. Keep moist.
Note: For those varieties that indicate a (1) or (6), a very light covering of vermiculite will allow adequate light to the seed and keep it uniformly moist.

• As a general rule, flowers can be sown when soil has warmed to at least 55°F
• Apply 1-2 cups of TSC's Complete fertilizer per 5 row feet, and 1 inch of compost
• If you prefer to soak your seeds: soak in 85°F water for 1-3 hours and plant immediately — longer soaking times are often detrimental; seeds need air to live

Direct Sowing
• Seeds should be buried 2 times their narrowest dimension and covered with finely raked soil or vermiculite unless otherwise noted
• Some varieties can take over a month to germinate so mark your rows, keep them moist, and for larger seeds like sunflowers, use bird netting

• Sow 5-6 weeks prior to anticipated transplant date
• If seeds need darkness, cover with 2 sheets of newspaper or plastic, remove upon the first signs of germination
• We recommend feeding your seedlings Age Old Grow, diluted to 1/4 strength

Insects & Disease
• Early watering and good weed control will generally alleviate most problems
• Pyrethrin will control most insects

Harvest & Storage
• For fresh-cut flowers: Harvest in the morning when flowers are their freshest and petals are just opening
• Cut with a clean knife that has been dipped in a solution of 10% household bleach
• A few drops of bleach in the vase will prolong their beauty

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