Family Owned Since 1979
Cultivating Gardeners



Product Description:

68 days. Super tasty and nutritious, Sugarsnax 54 is sweet and tender for superior eating quality. Rich, dark orange color reveals the extra high beta-carotene content. Slender roots grow 9 inches long with strong tops. Imperator type. AS, C, P.
  • Key Features:





  • Key Features:

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
CustomerJen T.
I love carrot

Great flavor raw and cooked great gernination. Planted early and will have till after frost. Have buried in straw and harvested them in the spring. .

Mike F.
Poor Germination

Amazingly poor germination. I usually get excellent germination with pelletized carrot seed.
Not so with this variety - my 1st planting resulted in less than 20% success.

So sorry to hear that! We do germ test all of our seeds and to ensure we sell only top performing seed, we have established germination standards that are higher than prescribed by the Federal Seed Act. Our minimum germination standard for carrots is 75% (65% for Organic) and the most recent test for this variety passed at 89%. As always, our products are backed by our full guarantee. We want you, our customers, to be 100% satisfied with the seed, plants and supplies that you purchase from us. If anything you buy from Territorial proves to be unsatisfactory, we will either replace the item (if available) or refund the purchase price, whichever you prefer (for up to 1 year from purchase). Contact our customer service (Monday-Friday 8AM-5PM Pacific Time) at either 800-626-0866 or

Soil Temp for Germ 45–85°F
Seed Depth ¼"
Seed Spacing 4 per in.
Days to Emergence 6–21
Thin Plants to 1–3"
Row Spacing 9–16"
Fertilizer Needs Low
Minimum Germination 75% (65% for Organic seed)
Seeds per Gram ≈ 650–750
Seed Life 3 years

Daucus carota var. sativus Studies on the nutritional properties of carrots have revealed that they are powerhouses of a wide range of phytonutrient antioxidants. With the vast spectrum of colors and varieties available, the amounts of individual antioxidants vary, yet the overall balance of these potent nutrients contributes to outstanding health benefits regardless of the variety.

Days to maturity are calculated from date of direct seeding.

• Carrots perform best in deeply worked, well-composted, loose soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0
• When the soil is workable, spade or till it to a fine texture 12-16 inches deep — cloddy, heavy soil will not make straight roots
• Heavy soils can cause forked roots; use Chantenay, Kuroda, Paris Market, or Nantes types in heavy soils
• Avoid split roots by maintaining even watering
• When plants have 7-10 leaves, hill 1-2 inches of soil around crowns to prevent green shoulders

Direct Sowing
• Dig a shallow furrow and lightly cover seed with soil, vermiculite or sifted compost
• Water evenly and regularly to prevent soil crusting
• Row cover beds when soil temperatures are cool and to help prevent soil crusting
• Thin when plants are 4 inches tall
• Sow mid-June—July for a fall/winter crop

Insects & Diseases
• Common insects: Carrot fly
• Insect control: Row covers at planting
• Common diseases: Various blights
• Disease prevention: 3-4 year crop rotation

Harvest & Storage
• Best harvested when 1/2-3/4 inches in diameter when carrots are sweet and tender
• Irrigate well prior to harvest to ensure the roots have absorbed their maximum capacity of water
• Cut tops prior to storage
• Store at 36°F and 95% relative humidity
• Fall/Winter Crop: Flavor is enhanced after a couple of frosts
• Fall/Winter Crop: Roots can be dug any time at maturity through winter as needed
• Fall/Winter Crop: In harsh climates, mulch with straw for protection

What is pelleted seed?
Seed that has been coated with a clay-based material to form a larger, round shape. This makes planting by hand or mechanical seeder easier and allows for more controlled sowing of small seeds such as carrots or lettuce. All pelleted seed has a National Organic Program (NOP) approved coating.
For best results, store pelleted seed in an air-tight container and use within one season.

What is seed tape?
Seed tapes are perfectly straight rows of precisely spaced crops. No more having to thin seedlings! This biodegradable tape will plant a row 5 meters (16 feet, 5 inches) long. Simply lay it in a furrow and cover with a light layer of sifted compost or soil, water and wait. Save yourself a heap of planting time with these popular vegetable and herb staples.

HR indicates high resistance.
IR indicates intermediate resistance.
AB | Early (Alternaria) Blight

Ad | Alternaria dauci - "Alternaria Leaf Blight"
Ar | Alternaria radicina - "Black Rot"
AS | Alternaria Stem Canker
C | Cercospora
CS | Cavity Spot
MA | Liquorice Rot
P | Pythium Root Rot
PM | Powdery Mildew

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