Family Owned Since 1979
Cultivating Gardeners



Product Description:

A pungent delight seldom available to the home gardener. Even at sushi establishments and specialty grocers, 'wasabi' pastes most often derive their spicy kick from its relatives, horseradish and mustard, and lack the nuanced flavor of true wasabi: an intense, aromatic heat that quickly subsides, giving way to a smooth, sweet finish that lingers. Though chefs use any and all parts of the plant, it is prized for its root, or rhizome, which is grated and served as a ubiquitous condiment for sushi and noodle dishes in its native Japan. Wasabi has now found its way into a broader range of culinary applications, lending zing to traditional sauces, dressings, rubs, cocktails, even ice cream! Roots command up to $100 per pound here in the states, but a few specialty growers and new research from the Pacific Northwest Extension have shown promise for stateside gardens. Our hardy, disease-resistant ‘Daruma’ selection is propagated from disease-free tissue cultures. Attractive plants have heart-shaped to round foliage and will provide harvests of delicious, high quality, thick green roots and multiple plant divisions after 2 years.

Wasabi bare root plants are ready to ship now and are available only within the contiguous US. Naturally resilient to transplant stress, we ship wasabi plant starts bare root with the stems and leaves trimmed away so the plants arrive healthy. We have found that the plants travel better when shipped bare root rather than in pots because the leaf stems of wasabi can be broken during shipping or pull the plant over on its side uprooting it. They arrive ready to plant!
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Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews

After reading the one star reviews I felt compelled to share my experience with growing Wasabi. I purchased my first Wasabi rhizome from another site. I planted it according to the instructions and three months later it was dead, rotted from overwatering I think.
I started buying vegetable supplies from Territorial Seed several years ago and low and behold, they sold Wasabi. I didn't want to, but I couldn't help myself; I bought another Wasabi in February 2023. I received the same small rhizome as everyone else here but I planted it in a new soil I was trying, completely organic. My Wasabi was growing! Several months had past and all of a sudden, worms were eating the leaves. I used an organic, safe pesticide soap to treat the infestation but it continued to die. This was during the summer months when I was using water to keep the plant cool but think I was also overwatering it. I realized this and replanted it in a larger pot with fresh soil and it once again recovered and began to grow. Now, I have it in my small greenhouse and the plant has become very large, about 12" tall and 18" around. it does suffer in the summer heat but have learned to mist it frequently to keep it cool. What I know now? It needs good natural soil, indirect light, cooler temperatures, a slight breeze if you can and I use an organic liquid fertilizer (with ocean organics) twice a month. In about 6 to 8 months it will be my first harvest, I can't wait! Good Luck!

It's dead

I so was looking forward to being able to grow my own wasabi. When I opened the package I had a bad feeling. Very puny plant, kinda soggy root ball too. I planted it anyway and crossed my fingers. After two weeks I must aver, I thoroughly examined "�er and it was not only merely dead, it was really most sincerely dead. Rotten. Gone. Non-viable. I'm trying to restrain myself from trying again.

So sorry to hear the Wasabi plant didn't make it. I have reached out to our customer service department about getting you a refund!

Less than impressed

Unfortunately I can't share a picture but if I knew what I was getting for the price I would have looked elsewhere. The plant is a tiny, I mean TINY, barely rooted, piece of wasabi. I think 2 leaves survived shipping. I probably won't waste my time and money with this company again.

Sorry to hear the plant arrived to you so small! We hope you'll still follow the planting instructions included (or they can be found here on our website) & given some time, your plant should still grow and produce for you! As always, we do offer a 100% guarantee on our products and I have reached out to our customer service department and someone should be reaching out to you soon about issuing you a refund or getting you a replacement plant.

Adam G.
Rewarding, if not temperamental, plant

Started in April, wish I could show you a pic, it's doing quite well. That being said, this is a very temperamental plant that requires a lot more attention than anything you might be used to.

I suggest buying it only if you're willing to look up wasabi growing forums, watch youtube videos, and do your research on it!

And mist it at least once a day (if not more during the warmer months). And check your growing zone!

And keep in mind, it's in the brassica family, so you treat it for pests as such. I ended up building a but net enclosure for it as just a few cabbage worms almost destroyed the plant a few months ago.

I will say, it's very rewarding though, and I'm looking forward to the sushi and sashimi I'm going to make come harvest time next year!

Doing this properly is really an investment of time, and if you're willing to take that on, I highly recommend this plant.

Wasabia japonica 'Daruma'

Initial Instructions
As home cultivation of wasabi is a relatively recent practice, we recommend growing in containers until you can determine hardiness, shade, and watering requirements and how your own garden and climate suit these. Planting medium should be well-drained with ample organic matter. Work in 10-12 inches of compost to a soil depth of 8-10 inches. A neutral or slightly acidic soil pH of 6-7 is ideal. You may provide a base layer of gravel or sand for drainage. Container size should be 10 inches or larger (at least a 2.5 gallon nursery pot) with enough depth to allow for rhizome development. Rhizomes will typically reach 4-8 inches in two years before harvest but can grow larger. Dig a hole about twice the size of the rhizome you're transplanting, leaving 1/2 inch of the crown exposed above the soil level. Do not bury the crown! Spread out its roots slightly before backfilling the hole and gently pressing into place. Water in well, ensuring that the plant does not sit in its drainage water, which can lead to root rot. Water regularly before the soil dries completely, especially while your roots are just getting established.

Wasabi grows best in full shade with steady temperatures between 50-60°F, though our Daruma strain is more tolerant of heat and light. Temperatures below 43°F slow growth, while 27° F and below can kill the top growth or even the entire plant. Heat damage can occur when air temperatures rise above 82°F, as well as increased pest and disease incidence. If you're outside of frost risk, an ideal spot to set out would be a northern exposure and/or well-shaded spot, perhaps utilizing 75% shade cloth. Irrigate regularly with cool water (45-59°F), misting as needed to keep plants cool and moisten wilted leaves. Mulch can increase moisture retention. Leaves that remain wilted for a week should be removed to deter pests and lower risks of disease. In areas with hard frost, wasabi may thrive indoors; in our zone 7 gardens, container-grown wasabi has overwintered in an unheated greenhouse, as well as acclimating itself to full sun conditions. Stability in growing conditions throughout the seasons provides uniform, high-quality yields. Still, the plants are surprisingly tolerant of variable conditions once established, and will let you know when they're too far out of their comfort zone. Keep the growing medium weed-free and fertilize minimally with a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer until you figure out what works for you; it is better to under-fertilize than over-fertilize. Fertilizers or foliar sprays high in sulfur are said to improve the flavor of the rhizome.

8-18 inches tall, 12 inches apart.

Pests & Diseases
Subject to pests and diseases of the brassica family; aphids, cabbage and alfalfa looper larva, crane fly larva, and slugs can all damage crops. Biological controls such as beneficial insects, spraying aphids off with a hose, hand removal of slugs, and pruning of wilted or diseased foliage can decrease these pressures. Careful use of insecticidal soaps or appropriate insecticides may be necessary. Your best defense is maintaining the stable, cool temperatures and steady irrigation wasabi prefers; variable conditions can drastically increase the incidence of pests and disease. While some growers report success replanting year-after-year from divisions, it is recommended to limit vegetative propagation to 3 consecutive years to minimize the risk of disease. You could then use fresh planting stock or learn more about attempting propagation from seed.

Soil Type
Well-drained, very rich in organic matter.

Light Requirements
Full to partial shade, full shade preferred.

Hardy to at least 27°F. If your winter lows are below 30°F, greenhouse or container growing is encouraged.

You may harvest a 4 inch or larger rhizome and multiple divisions for replanting 18-24 months after planting. Harvest select petioles (leaf stems) and leaves in the meanwhile for a mild wasabi heat used fresh in salads, sautéed, pickled, or as garnishes; overharvest of leaves can lead to slow rhizome development, so use sparingly. Hand dig your rhizome in the fall or spring, when temperatures are cool and moisture is high. You can pull off the plantlets that will have formed around the crown, replanting those into 6 inch pots, then up-potting into full-sized containers (as mentioned above) the following year to expand your wasabi planting.

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